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Sajdah sawh

Date published: 30 June 2022
Topic: Fiqh



Sajda Sawh is a pair of prostration (sajda) as a means to rectify errors or missed obligations in a Namaaz. A lot of times while performing Namaaz, we make mistakes that make our Namaaz incomplete and faulty. In Namaaz, we cannot undo mistakes. However, we can perform compensatory sajda that will rectify the Namaaz.


Method of performing Sajda Sawh

After reciting tashahhud in qa'dah e akheerah, make salaam towards the right side and thereafter immediately perform two sajda and then sit in qa'dah, recite tashahhud, durood, dua and finally conclude the Namaaz by making salaam on both sides. (Bahar e Shariyat)



'      Sajda Sawh becomes wajib when any wajib act of Namaaz is unintentionally missed, or when any obligatory or wajibaat is unintentionally delayed.

(Durr e Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar)

'      If Sajda Sawh is missed when it was wajib, then the Namaaz has to be repeated. (Durr e Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar)

'      Sajda Sawh is not sufficient for a wajib missed deliberately. The Namaaz has to be repeated. (Durr e Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar)

'       Missing a wajib but that is not a wajibaat of Namaaz does not call for the Sajda Sawh; for example, reciting the verses of The Holy Quran in proper order is wajib, but it is not the wajibaat of Namaaz. But you must repent.

(Durr e Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar)

'       Sajda Sawh does not make up for missing an obligatory (farz) pillar (rukun) of Namaaz. In such a case, the Namaaz has to be repeated.

'       Intentionally or unintentionally leaving out a sunnah or desirable (mustahab), like thana, ta'awwuz, tasmiyah, takbeer whilst changing positions does not call for Sajda Sawh. However, it is desirable to perform the Namaaz again.

'       Irrespective of the number of wajibiyaat missed in the Namaaz, only one pair of Sajda Sawh is needed. (Raddul Muhtar)

'       Sajda Sawh is wajib if any ta'deel e arkaan (e.g. standing up straight after ruku) is unintentionally missed. (Fatawa Alamgiri)

'       Sajda Sawh is wajib if Dua e Qunoot or the tabbeer e Qunoot is unintentionally missed. (Fatawa Alamgiri)

'       If the time taken to say Subhan Allah three times is spent doing nothing, be it in qira'at or any other position, then Sajda Sawh becomes wajib. (Raddul Muhtar)

'       When the imaam in a congregation performs Sajda Sawh, then the muqtadees must follow and perform Sajda Sawh too. (Durr e Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar)

'       A masbooq who joins the congregation after missing one or more rakaat is not permitted to say salaam after the imaam. Rather, he must stand up to complete his Namaaz. If he does it (salaam) deliberately, then his Namaaz becomes invalid. But if he does it unintentionally, then he should stand up to complete his Namaaz and then, perform Sajda Sawh by himself at the end.

(Durr e Mukhtar, Raddul Muhtar)

'       If Allaahuma salle Allah is recited after tashahhud in the first qa'dah, then Sajda Sawh becomes wajib.