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Reciting darood before Adhaan AND Iqaamah

Date published: 30 June 2022
Topic: Fiqh


There are three types of sunnah in Islam.


1.    Sunnah e Qawli: These are the sayings or the verbal commandments of Prophet Muhammad ''and are practised by the ummah.

2.    Sunnah e Fehli: These are the actions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

3.    Sunnah e Taqriri: These are the practices prevailing during the time of Prophet Muhammad , which Prophet did not oppose.


Any deed that is proven from Sunnat e Qawli, Sunnat e Fehli, and Sunnat e Taqriri and is practiced by the ummah is a sunnah.


It is a sunnah to recite durood shareef before the adhan and the iqamah.

In Siha `e Sitta (hadith in Abu Dawood), it is narrated that Hazrat Bilal(Radi Allaahu Anhu) used to make loud-voiced dua before the adhan of Fajr Namaaz everyday. An elderly mother narrates that her house was near Masjid Nabawi, and was the tallest building. Everyday Hazrat Bilal(Radi Allaahu Anhu) climbed the roof of her house at the time of Fajr and made full-voiced dua before adhan: 'Ya Allah! Make all the people of Quraysh a mu'min'. The elderly mother takes oath of Allah Ta'ala and says that there was not a single day in which Hazrat Bilal(Radi Allaahu Anhu) did not make this dua. This dua of Hazrat Bilal(Radi Allaahu Anhu) was accepted and the people of Quraysh became Muslims.

Hence, making dua before adhan in a full-voice is a sunnah of Hazrat

Bilal(Radi Allaahu Anhu).

After this the Muslims decided to act upon this sunnah of Hazrat Bilal(Radi Allaahu Anhu). The question now was which dua to make as the dua of Hazrat Bilal(Radi Allaahu Anhu) had already been accepted.


In a hadith in Tirmidhi Shareef, Hazrat Umar(Radi Allaahu Anhu) said, 'dua is detained between the heavens and the earth and no part of it is taken up until you send blessings (durood and sautations) upon your Prophet'.

Reciting durood and salutations upon Prophet Muhammad is a condition for the acceptance of any dua, which means that Hazrat Bilal(Radi Allaahu Anhu) recited durood shareef with his dua.

So, the Muslims decided to recite durood shareef and salutations upon Prophet before adhan, and it has been a practice since then.

The Ahlus Sunnah Wa Jama'ah recite durood and salutations before adhan because it is following the sunnah of Hazrat Bilal(Radi Allaahu Anhu).


The deviant sects make uproar about reciting the durood before adhan, claiming it to be an innovation (bida'h). It must be known to the Muslims that reciting durood shareef has not been forbid for any time. Allah Ta'ala has given permission for durood to be recited at all times without limiting it to a certain time.

Allah Ta'ala states in The Holy Quran:


'Undoubtedly Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet of Allah (the communicator of the hidden news). O you who believe send blessings upon him and salute him fully in abundance'

(Surah Al-Ahzab. verse 56)


The following durood can be recited before the adhan:


Assalaatu wasalaamu alaika ya RasoolAllah

A ala aalika wa ashabika ya HabeebAllah

Assalaatu wasalaamu alaika ya Nabi-Allah

Wa ala aalika wa as haabika ya NoorAllah