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Praying in deviant mosques

Date published: 30 June 2022
Topic: Fiqh


'Only they shall inhabit the mosque of Allah, who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and who establish prayer and pay the poor-due and fear none but Allah. So those are the people who are among the guided ones'.

(Surah At-Tauba. verse 18)


'Construction and maintenance of mosques is the duty of Muslims only. A mosque constructed by infidels is no mosque at all e.g. Masjid e Diraar'.

(Tafseer Noor Ul Irfaan with English translation of Kanzul Imaan)


'And those who have built a mosque in order to commit mischief and spread infidelity, and to cause dissension, among Muslims, and as an ambush for him who is already against Allah and His Messenger from before. And they will surely swear that we desired only good. And Allah bears witness that they are certainly liars'

(Surah At-Tauba. verse 107)


'Some hypocrites of Madina Munawwarah built a mosque (Masjid e Diraar) near Masjid Quba with the intention of decreasing the congregation at this blessed Masjid Quba. They even requested Prophet to perform one salaah in it to bless the mosque. Allah Ta'ala stopped His beloved Messenger from doing this. The Holy Prophe t then gave order to demolish this mosque. According to this it was demolished and burned.

From this we learn that one should not perform salaah in unlawful mosques.'

(Tafseer Noor Ul Irfaan with English translation of Kanzul Imaan)


'You never enter that mosque. No doubt, the mosque whose foundation has been laid on righteousness, from the very first day, is worthy that you may stand therein. There are such people who desire to be well purified and Allah loves the pure'

(Surah At-Tauba. verse 108)


From this we learn that we should not perform salaah in mosque of infidels, hypocrites, apostates etc, which are endowed properly as they are not Islamic mosques, nor is their endowment religiously correct. They would not be given the respect of mosques.'

(Tafseer Noor Ul Irfaan with English translation of Kanzul Imaan)

However, there are many mosques whose foundations were laid and constructed by the members of the Ahlus Sunnah Wa Jama'ah with the funding coming from Sunni/Miladis. During the course of their deviant propaganda, some deviant sects with fraud and deception have taken control of the Sunni Masjids. Since these masjids were established and constructed by the Sunni/Miladis, it is permissible to perform Namaaz in these masjids. But the Namaaz cannot be performed behind a deviant imaam. One can perform Namaaz alone or by forming a congregation behind a Sunni imaam who has correct beliefs (aqeeda).

Hazrat Abu Hurairah(Radi Allahu Anhu) narrates that Prophet Muhammadsaid, 'For men, performing Namaaz in congregation (jamaat) in masjid is twenty-five times better than performing in home or market'.

(Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Ibne Majah)