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Permissibility of making dua after Namaaz-e-Janazah

Date published: 30 June 2022
Topic: Fiqh

Permissibility of making dua after Namaaz e Janazah

It is propaganda of the deviant sects that to make dua after the Janazah Namaaz is an innovation (bida'h). This is a corrupt belief.

The Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat believes that it is total permissible to make dua after Janazah Namaaz, and it is an act of gaining reward (sawab).


It is reported that Prophet Muhammad stood on the pulpit (mimber) and informed the companions(Radi Allaahu Anhum) about the Battle of Mauta (Ghazwa e Mauta). Prophet also informed them of the martyrdom of Hazrat Jafar Bin Abu Talib(Radi Allaahu Anhu). It is mentioned in the narration:

'So the beloved Prophet performed his Janazah Namaaz and made dua for him and then said to the people, 'you too make dua e magfirat for him'.'


Hence, to supplicate after the Janazah Namaaz is permissible.


Prophet Muhammad said, 'when you perform the Janazah Namaaz on the deceased, then be sure to make dua for it'.

(Mishkat, Abu Dawood, Ibne Majah)


In Ahadith, Prophet Muhammad said, 'verily to make dua is ibadaah' and 'dua is the essence of ibadaah', and when we ask from Allah Ta'ala, then we should raise our hands and make dua. Thereafter, we should turn our hands over our face. By doing this, Allah Ta'ala gives blessings (barakah) in it.

Allah Ta'ala states in The Holy Quran:


'And (O Beloved) when My servants asks you concerning Me. Indeed, I am near. I accept the prayers of the supplicant when he calls upon Me, so let them obey Me and believe in Me, that they may be guided.

(Surah Al-Baqara. verse 186)


The deviants argument in objecting to the dua after the Janazah Namaaz is that Janazah Namaaz in itself is a dua, so there is no need for a second dua.

The reply of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat is:

The Holy Quran and the Ahadith do not state anywhere that it is not permitted to make a second dua after the first one or that if you recite a second dua then the first dua will not be accepted.

The Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat provides evidence that to make dua once, twice or more than that is permissible.

Allah Ta'ala states in The Holy Quran:


'And your Lord says: 'Pray to me, I shall acknowledge your call. Certainly those who are too proud to worship Me, will soon enter Hell, disgraced'.'

(Surah Al-Momin. Verse 60)


This means worship Me, I will accept it as is understood from the verse that follows. Or, offer your dua to Me, I will accept it; or, call upon Me, I will respond to it; or beg, I will grant your wishes. In short, to offer a dua and to seek everything small or big from Allah Ta'ala is an act of worship, as we have been ordered to do so.

(Tafseer Noor Ul Irfaan with English translation of Kanzul Imaan)


Allah Ta'ala clearly commanded the believers to make dua and has given signs of

accepting the supplication of the believers.