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Haajat- Namaaz for fulfillment of needs (Nafil)

Date published: 30 June 2022
Topic: Fiqh



Whoever is in need of something should perform two rakaat Namaaz, then praise and glorify Allah Ta'ala (hamd and thana) and send durood to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Then he should make any one of the following two supplications:


Laa Ilaaha Il-lal-Laahu Haleemul Kareem, Subhaanal Laahi Rab-bil 'Arshil 'Azeem, Wal Hamdu Lil-Laahi Rab-bil 'Aalameen.' As'aluka Moojibaata Rahmatika Wa 'Azaa'ima Maghfiratika Wal Ghaneemata Min kul-li Bir-rin-Was-Salaamata Min Kul-li 'Ismin, Laa Tada' Zanmban Il-Laa Ghafartahu Walaa Ham-man Il-Laa Far-rajtahu Walaa Haajatan Hiya Laka Ridan Il-Laa Qadaietaaa Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen.

There is no deity but Allah, the most clement, the most merciful. Glory be to Allah, Rabb of the lofty throne and all praise is due to the Rabb of the worlds. O Allah! I seek from You the means of Your blessing and seek from You the means to Your forgiveness and the achievement of every good and protection from every sin. O Allah! Do not leave any of my sins without forgiving it and any of my woes without removing it and any of the needs that has Your approval without fulfilling it. O Most Merciful of all those who are merciful.



Al'Laahum-ma' 'In-nee 'As'aluka Wa Ata Waj-jahu 'Ilaieka Bi Nabeey-yika Muhammadin-Nabeey-yir Rahma sallal Laahu 'AlaiekaWa sallam. Ya RasoolUllahi sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam. 'In-nee Qad Tawaj-jahtu Bika 'Illaa Rab-bee Fee Haajatee Haazihi Lituqdaa Lee.' Al-Laahum-ma Fashaf-fi'hu Fee-ya.

O Allah! I beg You and turn to You through Your Prophet Muhammad who is a merciful Prophet. O Prophet of Allah ! I have turned my attention to my Rabb through you for this need so that it may be fulfilled. O Allah! Accept his intercession on my behalf.